For over 30 years we have been bringing you the assurance of top products and fair trade

About Us

Leading importer of quality cheeses from France, Switzerland, Spain and other countries

More than 30 years we are dealing with diary products on the Czech market.

Initially we focused on export, over the years we transformed into leading importer of quality cheeses from France, Switzerland or Spain. Our extensive range of products can be found in majority of large supermarket chains. Our biggest presence is in Makro. We hope you enjoy eating our cheeses!

Our Values


Thanks to our responsible approach, we have items that you can find in our partner stores for over 20 years.


We have been on the market for more than 30 years and during that time we have demonstrated the ability to adapt to the changing geopolitical and business environment.


The basic credo of our work is a reliable and responsible approach to both our suppliers and customers

Choose Us

Business Collaboration

Are you representative of small shop, supermarket chain or eshop and you would like to extend your portfolio by great cheeses for excellent prices? Contact us then please.

Are you from foreign diary and looking for way to enter Czech market? Do you think you have interesting stuff to offer? Contact us then please.



Years on the Czech market


Number of invoices not paid on time

5 – 10

Employees creating experienced and professional team


The widest range of quality cheeses on the Czech market

Our Team

Meet our Leadership

Marie Žáková
Marie Žáková
Marie Žáková


Marie Žáková

Marie has over 30 years experience with international trade. She was amongst the founders of Laktoimpex in 1992. Currently she is in charge of strategic leadership of company and  oversee business operations.

František Žák
František Žák
Deputy CEO
František Žák

Deputy CEO

František Žák

František has over 5 years experience with international trade. In the company he helps to develop new income streams, solves IT issues and is responsible for hiring.

Our Products

Explore Our Popular Categories

Hard cheeses

cow goat milk mix sheep

Cheese specialities

ripening cheeses spreadable cheeses

Cheeses with white and blue mould

cow goat milk mix sheep


Butter Cheese accessories Horseradish Wine


Don't hesitate to contact us!